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Mee. Go - Wikipedia. This article is about the mobile operating system. For other uses, see Meego. Mee. Go is a discontinued Linux distribution hosted by the Linux Foundation, using source code from the operating systems.
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Moblin (produced by Intel) and Maemo (produced by Nokia). The Linux Foundation canceled Mee. Go in September 2. Tizen. The stated aim is to merge the efforts of Intel's Moblin and Nokia's Maemo former projects into one new common project that would drive a broad third party application ecosystem. According to Intel, Mee. Go was developed because Microsoft did not offer comprehensive Windows 7 support for the Atom processor. Those notice stated that Harmattan is now considered to be a Mee.
Go instance (though not a Mee. Go product), and Nokia is giving up the Maemo branding for Harmattan on the Nokia N9 and beyond. Fremantle, will still be referred to as Maemo.) In addition it was made clear that only the naming was given up whilst development on that Harmattan will continue so that any schedules will be met. Amino was responsible for extending Mee. Go to TV devices.
Mee. Go is designed by combining the best of both Intel’s Fedora- based Moblin and Nokia’s Debian- based Maemo. When it was first announced, the then President and CEO of Nokia, Olli- Pekka Kallsvuo, said that Mee.
Go would create an ecosystem, which is the best among other operating systems and will represent players from different countries. It is written using the Clutter- based Mx toolkit, and uses the Mutter window manager. Samsung Netbook NP- N1. Mee. Go for its operating system. Depending on the device, applications will be provided from either the Intel App.
PyQt4 Download. If you have purchased a commercial PyQt license then please login to your account using the details sent to you at the time of purchase. An open-source memory debugger for x86-linux. Here you can find everything needed to get MPlayer up and running. The recommended way to install MPlayer is to compile from current SVN source.
Up or the Nokia Ovidigital software distribution systems. The preview was initially available for the Aava Mobile Intel Moorestown platform, and a . This Tablet UX will be fully free like the rest of the Mee. Go project and will be coded with Qt and the Mee.
Go Touch Framework. Graham Smethurst of GENIVI Alliance and BMW Group announced in April 2. Moblin to Mee. Go. In order to allow hardware vendors to personalize their device's user experiences, the project's license policy requires that Mee. Go's reference User Experience subsystems be licensed under a Permissive free software license – except for libraries that extend Mee. Go API's (which were licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License to help discourage fragmentation), or applications (which can be licensed separately). It is one of the first Linux distributions to deploy Btrfs as the default file system.
Although most of the software in Mee. Go's Jolla interface use the Qtwidget toolkit, it also supports GTK. As a result, the Maemo 6 base operating system was kept intact while the Handset UX was shared, with the name changed to . When Mee. Go first appeared this work was discontinued and the development effort went to Mee. Go. After both Nokia and then Intel abandoned Mee. Go, the Mer project was revived and continued to develop the Mee. Go codebase and tools.
It is now being developed in the open by a meritocratic community. Mer provides a Core capable of running various UXs developed by various other projects, and will include maintained application development APIs, such as Qt, EFL, and HTML5/WAC. Some of the former Mee. Go user interface were already ported to run on top of Mer, such as the handset reference UX, now called Nemo Mobile. There are also a couple of new tablet UXes available, such as Cordia and Plasma Active.
Qt Creator IDE is a cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) tailored to the needs of Qt developers. It includes an advanced C++ code editor.
Mer is considered to be the legitimate successor of Meego, as the other follow- up project Tizen (see below) changed the APIs fundamentally. How To Install Microsoft Outlook 2010 Free more. Nemo Mobile. It also incorporates Mer.
After Nokia abandoned their participation in the Mee. Go project, the directors and core professionals from Nokia's N9 team left the company and together formed Jolla, to bring Mee. Go back into the market mainstream. This effort eventually resulted in the creation of the Sailfish OS. The Sailfish OS and the Sailfish OS SDK are based on the core and the tools of the Mer core distribution. Sailfish includes a multi- tasking user interface that Jolla intends to use to differentiate its smartphones from others and as a competitive advantage against devices that run Google's Android or Apple's i. OS. Those interested in further development can become involved through the Mer project or the Sailfish Alliance or Jolla; Jolla, i.
As most of the Tizen work is happening behind closed doors and is done by Intel and Samsung engineers, the people involved in the former Mee. Go open source project continued their work under Mer and projects associated with it. Because Tizen does not use the Qt framework. What makes Smeegol Linux unique when compared to the upstream Mee. Go or open. SUSE is that this distribution is at its core based on open.
SUSE but has the Mee. Go User Experience as well as a few other changes such as adding the Mono- based Banshee media player, Network.
Manager- powered network configuration, a newer version of Evolution Express, and more. Any end- users can also build their own customized Smeegol Linux OS using SUSE Studio. Version 1. 0 for Atom netbooks and a code drop for the Nokia N9. Wednesday, 2. 6 May 2. Chromium browser, Connection Manager. Retrieved 1. 5 February 2.
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Retrieved 2. 01. 0- 0. Retrieved 2. 01. 0- 0. Here's An Update On Them. Phoronix. com. Retrieved 2. Netbook and Handheld Eye Candy, Chrome, Fennec and Lots of Developer Details.
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September 2. 01. 1. July 2. 01. 2. Acer Iconia M5. Mee. Go tablet shown at Computex.
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BMW, GM, others choose Mee. Go for in- car computers.
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Linaro and Mee. Go.