Mickey Mouse Youtube
Disturbing You. Tube Kids video shows Mickey Mouse with gunsharepinemail. Parents of tablet- using kids are no stranger to You. Tube videos with the catchy tune of ? Install Themes In Kali Linux Android.
How do you do? Recently, some moms have shared on social media their shock at finding graphic images of Mickey Mouse and his family, shooting one another — and themselves — in the head with guns. Beth Brister- Kaster, an Ohio mom, posted a video to Facebook, sharing one of the videos — which begins with innocent cartoons before switching to the violent scenes. Never again. This is what our children are watching.. Peppa Pig and then, all of a sudden, it goes to Mickey Mouse shooting people. Who would have thought to do something like that three minutes into a little kids video?
A shocking video involving gun violence hidden among a musical YouTube Kids video caused these moms to issue a warning to other parents.
Mickey Mouse Youtube Cartoon
- Goofy invites himself on Mickey's date with Minnie.
- Enjoy animated and live action Disney cartoons and short films including the new Mickey Mouse Cartoons series. Plus be inspired by our favorites from other Y.
Please watch the videos with your children, don't just let them watch the videos by themselves. Other parents left supportive comments saying they had reported the inappropriate content to You. Tube. The company also has plans for future updates to the You. Tube Kids app, which will allow parents to further customize the types of content they want their kids to watch through the parental control area of the app. And, until You. Tube finds a more thorough way of filtering their children's content, Brister- Kaster says she will not allow her daughter to use the app.
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