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Yves Bistro Restaurant & Wine Bar Blog. Jump to Top. BBQ Friendly Cocktails. Category: Recent Posts. Make your summer last a little longer with some of our favorite BBQ friendly cocktails. Bellini. 4 ounces sparkling wine.
Mix and serve in a champagne flute. Strawberry Mojito.
In shaker cup, muddle the strawberries and mint leaves, add ice and all other ingredients (except for soda water), shake well and pour into a tall glass. Add soda water. Garnish with mint leaves or a strawberry. Rum Punch. 1 1/2 c. Windows Synaptics Touchpad Driver Code 24 Sentinel there. Stir well and garnish with a lime wedge. Guava Margarita. 1 1/2 ounces Hacienda Tequila. Torres Orange Liqueur. I ounce agave nectar.
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In shaker cup add all ingredients, shake well and pour into a bucket glass. Garnish with a lime wedge.
Jump to Top. The Journey Begins. Category: Recent Posts. They come in to eat at the restaurant on a regular basis and often instead of trying one of the specials offered or making it a point to try something new on the menu, they order the same thing every time; without fail.
However, if you were to ask them why they always eat the same thing, they would simply tell you that it is because they just love that particular dish they do not want to venture out and miss what they know will be good. In some ways that is how I found myself feeling this year about going back to Kenya. I just love it so much, I can't imagine not going. It's difficult to explain but it is as though there is a physical pull inside drawing me back! And now that I am here again, ohhh it's soooo good!
We landed Friday about 2: 0. This year I was well behind in preparations for the trip because of Mikayla leaving for Australia the week before and so I ended up not being able to go to bed the night before we left.
As a result the 1. I slept for 1. 0 of the hours. Our plane landed in Turkey on time but this year, for some reason, we had just enough time to catch our connecting flight. The next 7 hours were not much different than the first, I slept for nearly 5 of those hours.
The remaining time I worked on a project I had not completed for the class, and suddenly we were in Nairobi. The flight has never seemed so short! Adobe Media Encoder Dolby Digital Surround. Friday, July 1. 8, 2. We landed in the new international terminal of the Nairobi airport. It was completely rebuilt after last year's fire which completely destroyed it (fortunately our team evaded that fire by about 2. We de- boarded on the tarmac and then were bussed into the main terminal. We finally sorted all of our bags and headed out to the bus.
All had gone incredibly well with all of our special luggage but that was about to change. The staff for the airport stopped us and told us that we would have to claim everything - about $4. That would have been impossible for us but fortunately, the woman was a Christian and she finally came to understand that we were bringing in all of these supplies to help the children, not sell them. In a miraculous change of mind, she allowed us to enter after paying only about $6. We arrived at the Grace House by about 3: 3. Grace House staff with Chai tea and Jamba juice. We settled into our room and made a quick Facetime call to Mikayla in Australia.
We finally hit our pillows about 4: 0. It was a fun moment when Ben, the Grace House Chef, saw Cassie and yelled out . He hurried around the counter to give her a big hug. Breakfast was great and then we were out to the bus at 1. Unfortunately, the bus was on Kenya time and did not arrive until almost 1.
We finally reached Pangani about 1. We were each escorted personally to the auditorium and the traditional presentations ensued. After presentations we took a walk through Mathre and visited a home where we delivered a small cloth bag of simple toiletries.
Her name was Esther and she was older and sick. She was visiting her daughter so she could go to receivesome care at the local hospital. She was over- joyed with the gift and prayer. After we returned to MOHI we had lunch and then toured the facility. Many things have changed even in the one year we have been gone. It's great to see the school continuing to improve each year.
The highlight of the day was meeting up with one of our sponsor kids, Eugene. This is the first year that Yves really spent time with us during this time. He was as usual, very, very shy. We finally had someone come over and translate for us because he doesn't speak much English. But, Yves managed to really engaged him and he finally relaxed a little. Eventually, we were even able to get a smile out of him!
We finally loaded the bus back to the Grace House at about 5: 0. Cass and I slept some on the bus but by this time we were really starting to feel the travel sleepys. It had been a very long day. Saturday, July 1. We had to wake early because we were packing up everything to head out to Joska for the week so we were up by 6: 3. Joska is about an hour and a half away from Grace House and to say that the driver is quite creative is putting it mildly.
The traffic laws are basically non- existent and the bus driver had no fear whatsoever. More than once while driving on a two lane highway, he decided that the truck in front of us was moving too slow so he just jumped out into the ongoing traffic. And then, we hit the dirt road to Joska! This road is so rough it appears that it is meant for a four wheel vehicle but remember, we were on a bus! We were all relieved when we finally saw the blue roof of the community building in the near distance. The next thing that happened will be etched in my memory and on my heart for the rest of my life. As the bus rolled into the parking area of the girls' center, the girls began to gather around.
Tears were already flowing for me but what happened next was just incredible. A few people filed off and then Yves stepped off. The girls attacked him, calling out his name and hugging him and crying for joy that he was back!
The same thing happened for me and then as soon as they could get a breath they asked where Cassie was. She of course, was right behind me and as soon as she stepped off the bus, they attacked her as well. Everyone saw it happen and it was a moment of complete joy for our entire team! We took our personal bags over to our new home for the next week. They gave us a double room in the instructor section of the school. The entire building is made from corrugated metal and stick frames. Our room had two connecting rooms with two bed each.
Chef Bobby and Yves in one side and Cassie and I in the other. The room was simple, just a bed and sleeping bag, mosquito net, pillow and a plastic tub for washing in the morning, but quite comfortable.
The toilets and showers were down the walk a way but the area was lit well so no need for a flashlight for the middle of the night trip! Next we grabbed all of our culinary supply bags and headed straight over to the culinary kitchen. We were a little disappointed when we came in as much of the equipment had been moved into a small storage room and had not been well looked after. But, here we were so we jumped in and began organizing. Chef Bobby went straight over to the oven and fired it up and it went on but after less than a minute, it shut down. Our hearts sank since our projects for the week all depended upon a working oven. But, by now the girls had all come to the kitchen and we moved quickly into a place of chaos!
Toadd to the commotion and excitement in the air was the fact that Crossroads Church was in the auditorium and they had set up two large blow- up pools to baptize a bunch of the kids. There was also a team from Indiana. One of the women was an artist and while some were baptizing, some were singing and she was painting and progressive chalk picture. It was all quite beautiful and they baptized over 2.
Because of the noise from the auditorium and the girls wanting to watch and the oven not working, we decided to forgo class for a while and dismissed the girls. Fortunately for us, one of our team members is an aeronautical engineer and he jumped right in and before long the oven was working!!!
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