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Book II: The EARTH CHANGESTHE NEW EARTHEarth Changes and the Ascension of Planet Earth. Book II: THE EARTH CHANGES. Most of them are vastly more advanced than our own world, living on higher Planes/Dimensions with a higher vibration- rate than Earth's dense- physical . A large group of these worlds have been closely watching over us since WW II with millions of their Motherships invisibly surrounding us, ready to assist us at any moment to fulfill our Ascension up to a Fourth Dimensional . They also have had an important function in shielding us from any unwarranted intrusions or attacks by those Forces of Darkness that unfortunately still exist within our Galaxy. However, they have never wished to directly interpose themselves on our World, as any interference without our express invitation would be wrong karmaically. This difficult process has actually been assisted by our being shrouded from contact with all the other Worlds under a Higher level Spiriutal Agreement made in volunteering to participate in the .
Liquid Market Definition . The opposite of a liquid market is called a "thin market. Predicted Earth Changes, extraterrestrial help, the Higher Plan. Custom Technology Solutions for Broking, Banking, Wealth Management, Financial Services.
On the other hand this . We have undertaken this difficult task in order to develop new solutions, not only for our own World, but also for the benefit of many other Worlds. In addition, this . Nonetheless, our Extraterrestrial visitors have at times tried to communicate directly with either our Governments or our media, especially so in a wish to warn them of the extreme dangers of our development and use of atomic weapons, and particularly the Hydrogen bomb. They did also have come to warn us of the coming . In the meantime, the Governments have quietly created their own secret files of all the numerous UFO sightings supplied by their Military Forces and filed them away in Top- Secret Archives, even though having at the same time secretly interacting with some of these extraterrestrial visitors.
Among them was an Air Force Senior Master Sergeant Nurse, Matilda Mac. Elroy, who was given the task of attending to the sole survivor E. T. She turned out to be the only person on their return to the Military Base who was able to communicate with the E. T. She was given the task of communicating with the small E. T. After being helped by Nurse Mac.
Elroy to learn English through the use of many books borrowed from the Base's Library on all sorts of Earth subjects over a 1. Airl was to give an extraordinary telepathic message, and only through Nurse Mac. Elroy, which was transcribed by a Government stenographer. This gave many details the workings of what Airl described as the . These were duplicates of the .
Mac. Elroy sent her copy of the Transcripts to Lawrence R. Spencer, the Author of . Mr Spencer has bravely published this as the book . This was to be a 'First Contact' meeting with Extraterrestrials by the US Government and was the beginning of a series of later meetings with other Extraterrestrial Races. The Extraterrestrials of this visit were described as being of a .
However, Eisenhower's Administration responded that they could not do this so long as the Soviet Union also continued its own nuclear build- up. During the Extraterrestrial Negotiations, various other Government personnel took the unique opportunity to investigate the varied collection of spacecraft which had landed on the Airfield. These were a renegade race of Zeta Reticulians, better known as the . They have hairless bodies and a large head with big round dark eyes, the result of having to live many thousands of years underground on their Planet after contaminating the surface with a nuclear war with their more advanced Zeta Reticuli compatriots. The Grays were no longer able to reproduce themselves through normal physical means and had to rely on 'cloning' their bodies to continue life and therefore they were gradually dying out. They were also of a generally non- loving and self- serving nature. They were hoping to engineer a transference of Human Earthling DNA genetics to enable them to once again physically reproduce themselves.
Government in exchange for some of their more advanced technology. They identified themselves as Zeta Reticulans originating from a Planet around a Red Star in the Constellation of Orion which we called Betelgeuse. They stated that their Planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they would no longer be able to survive there. A Treaty was eventually signed between them and the U. Championship Manager 01 02 Cheats Tactics Board. S. Government for them to re- engineer their failing DNA with that of Earth Humans in exchange for their spacecraft technology and weapons. The Treaty that was agreed on stated that the Aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We agreed in return to keep their presence on Earth a secret and provide them with large underground Base facilities under the .
They would be allowed to make abductions of Humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring of our development, with the agreed requirement that the Humans would not be harmed, and be returned to their point of abduction with no memory of the event. They were also required to furnish the Government with a list of all Human contacts and abductees on a regularly scheduled basis. However, after over a period of forty years they had proved to have failed to either supply very meaningful new technology or to keep their word on the amount and degree of abductions. This applied particularly to women and children taken up to their Mothership for experimental surgery, as well as to their frequent mutilation of cattle in a continued effort to extract genetic codes. As a result, the U.
S. Government had gradually closed down most of their extensive main underground Bases by the late 1. Government meetings with Extraterrestials. Kennedy was about to give a major speech on the day he was assassinated (by an Agent of Earth's .
As we know, this speech was unfortunately never given. In fact the Galactic Federation had planned to make a first major appearance with their space craft within a short period following Kennedy's Speech, and this plan had to be abandoned. It would no doubt have ushered in a major change of direction in Earth's future development. Although they became well- known to limited circles of Earth's . One of the first major .
In his second book . Lightning Returns Final Fantasy Xiii Ps3 Demons. A few years later, Dino Kraspedon, a Brazilian, also published a book describing his unexpected meeting with the Captain of a 3.
Flying Saucer Scout, who gave him much useful scientific information about space travel and their methods of propulsion. Among other things, the Captain explained how they can move at enormous speeds through our atmosphere by creating a vacuum around the Scouts by ionizing the air surrounding the craft to prevent atmospheric friction. He was also one of the first to give us information on the approaching . Photographs of them have been well documented in various books and on the Internet. Likewise, there are also the many photographs on the Internet and books of .
These are ones that the Space Visitors have permitted us to see through lowering their higher vibration rates down to our 3. D level. There are thousands of huge Motherships stationed invisibly overhead, many of them over hundreds of miles in diameter, and as they mostly operate on the 4th and 5th Dimensional vibrational levels which is invisible to our 3. D physical sight. They would then follow this up with a series of actual Earth landings in order to give us detailed information about themselves and to provide us with various useful technologies, such as the use of . However, they have in the meantime made contact with over 1. Earth Governments requesting them to make a full . Of course the various Governments have .
Security around the meeting was intense: everyone was searched at the entrance; pens, pins, key chain items were collected and even Member's UN Security Cards were temporarily taken in custody. This meeting was attended by over 4. Representatives of 2. Member Countries.